Tag Archives: making money

Are All Your Eggs In One Basket?

prospectsAre you putting all your eggs in one basket?

Peradventure that basket fell flat on the ground and all your eggs got broken? All you have left are shells and fluid, the best you can make out of it is sandy omelette.

Let’s liken that to say your job where you get to wait for 30 days to get paid or that business you started with a bank loan.

You started both with good intentions, hoping to become rich and famous in future, buy state of the art cars, travel the world, build Amazing Architectural structures, send your children to one of the best schools in the world right? Nice plan….

But what you forgot is that the economy is getting from bad to worse, bosses are cutting down on work force, businesses aren’t yielding as much as expected,

Meanwhile you had stored all your eggs (plans) in that one basket (your Job or business) And the basket falls flat on the ground, Children’s Education- gone, vacations – gone, luxury cars – forget about it, Houses, dreams, all gone meanwhile the bank is on your neck. All you have left are eggs shells and no hope for you and your Family.

The only way out of this is having multiple streams of income. Never put your eggs in one basket. Spread your resources and make something out of it. That said, I bring to you the AMAZING LONGRICH OPPORTUNITY.

If you invest in my company LONGRICH, all it takes is 3 referrals/sign ups and you are on your way to making weekly cash that runs into millions over time.

LONGRICH is a Chinese Company That Produces day to day health care Products e.g. toiletries, health teas, Liquor, supplements, kitchen guard etc and these products can Easily Handle ailments that plague us, such as Toothache, Pimples/spots, Sunburn, Body/Mouth Odour, Fibroid, Infertility Problems, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Infections, Painful/Irregular Menstruation And Many More. The beautiful part is that all LONGRICH products are 100% organic and safe with no future side effects.

As a Distributor, you qualify for Weekly Bonuses, Vacations Abroad (US, Europe and Asia), Brand New Cars and a House Worth millions of Naira.

You don’t have to struggle to qualify on your own, in LONGRICH it’s all about team work. The points from other people under you are counted for you as well.

hit me up on 08034000940 or  Chat via whatsapp to get more details!!!

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Posted by on July 22, 2016 in Uncategorized


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